Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Robot Parade

The following boss fight was fantastic. The enemy robot's patterns and the various ways that Astro Boy can defeat it (punch it, use the flying Spin Attack, chuck cars at it, grab its robotic tentacles and pull) made the game feel like a great old school platformer. After the fight was over (yes, I won), I expected the game to take off from there and become more and more exciting. Strangely enough, however, the game slammed on the brakes and returned to being a slow-paced chore.

This is Magnamite, the first boss in the game. He's big, but Astro Boy can take him.

There aren't any "levels" in the game, you see. If you're not fighting a boss, you're flying around Astro Boy's all-too-small world looking to talk to the proper person who will advance the story, which leads to another boss fight. At set points throughout the game, Astro also "discovers" his powers, giving him new abilities as he goes.

Everything is Slow, Astro Boy

Although the game is extremely linear, you can make a few detours to complete some sidequests. Many of these quests require specific powers, so you won't be able to complete several of them until late in the game. Sure, the idea of multiple sidequests sounds like a good idea, but these challenges are more annoying than entertaining. An extremely slow and obnoxious Rock-Paper-Scissors type game where you play against a flailing person against an empty, black background? A thirty question quiz where the questions appear on the screen so slowly that the robotic technology featured in the game will actually exist by the time you've answered them all? That's not fun.Towards the end of the game, there are a couple of actual stages. One in a volcano and one inside a futuristic base. You'd think that these levels would break up the monotony, but they don't. The volcano, for instance, is comprised of about three different rooms that you fight your way through around a dozen times before reaching the end. At first, I thought that I was doing something wrong since I kept appearing in a room that I had been in a couple minutes ago. It didn't take me too long to realize that it wasn't some sort of maze; it was just terrible level design.

The Silver Lining

Yeah, Astro Boy is chock full of problems (did I mention the horrible camera?), but I must admit that it wasn't all bad. The flight engine in the game is fantastic, and after a couple minutes to become acclimated with it, I was zipping around Metro City (Astro's home turf) like a pro. The flying is actually very reminiscent of the Saturn classic, NiGHTS, and it made me pine for NiGHTS 2. The aforementioned Spin Attack is also a very fun offensive move. Basically, Astro locks onto an enemy and continuously flies at it, bashing it and rebounding off for another attack. It looks fantastic in action and makes the game feel more like the anime that it's based on.

The boss fights (of which there are several) are terrific fun. All the bosses have patterns that aren't overly complex, but require just the right amount of thought to overcome. It's just a shame that the rest of the game couldn't keep up with the standard set by these enemy encounters.

Remember the cartoon where Bugs Bunny outwitted that bull? This boss battle is like that only with more robots.

And then, just when the game felt like it was starting, it ended. The average gamer should be able to plow through this in about four hours. What's up with that? When your game is roughly as long as the extended DVD version of The Two Towers, something is seriously wrong.

Astro Boy (1963) Ultra DVD Box Set 1 (D) Limited Edition

The very first anime ever produced, Osamu Tezuka's (KIMBA, THE WHITE LION / HI NO TORI / METROPOLIS) original 1963 - 1964 ASTRO BOY delighted children around the world with its touching stories and compelling characters. In the U.S., many will remember this popular children's series which aired on TV during the 1960s.

Now, this groundbreaking series returns for the first time ever in a stunning new collector's edition that includes the first 52 episodes of the original black and white series as seen in the US, restored to pristine detail, and featuring never-before-seen footage and brand new exciting extras.

The original boy-robot with 100,000 horsepower strength and courage! In the year 2000, Dr. Boyton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. He calls the robot Astro Boy. Astro Boy can swim oceans, leap over mountains, even fly into space on his own power. However, Astro Boy can't replace his son; Dr. Boyton becomes dissatisfied with the boy robot and disowns him. Astro Boy is befriended by Dr. Packadermus J. Elefun of the Institute of Science, who guides him through his adventures. Endowed with super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a never-ending crusade against the forces of evil!

This ultimate Astro Boy collection is perfect for both retro enthusiasts and adults who were delighted by the series' touching stories and compelling characters during its 1960s TV broadcast! Contains DVD Set 1 (episodes 1-52), PLUS a special collector's booklet, and an entire DVD full of extra bonus material, including part 1 of an interview with series producer Fred Ladd!

DVD Features: The first 52 episodes of the original 1963 Astro Boy series, fully restored; Part 1 of an interview with series producer Fred Ladd; Original Japanese Episode 1 (with English subtitles); Original Character Art Gallery; Merchandise Gallery; A Collector's Booklet featuring "The History of Astro Boy"; an Osamu Tezuka biography, and much more!

Efek Bahaya Asap Rokok Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia – Akibat Sebatang Rokok Racun, Ketagihan, Candu, Buang Uang Dan Dosa


Rokok adalah benda beracun yang memberi efek santai dan sugesti merasa lebih jantan. Di balik kegunaan atau manfaat rokok yang secuil itu terkandung bahaya yang sangat besar bagi orang yang merokok maupun orang di sekitar perokok yang bukan perokok.

1. Asap rokok mengandung kurang lebih 4000 bahan kimia yang 200 diantaranya beracun dan 43 jenis lainnya dapat menyebabkan kanker bagi tubuh. Beberapa zat yang sangat berbahaya yaitu tar, nikotin, karbon monoksida, dsb.

2. Asap rokok yang baru mati di asbak mengandung tiga kali lipat bahan pemicu kanker di udara dan 50 kali mengandung bahan pengeiritasi mata dan pernapasan. Semakin pendek rokok semakin tinggi kadar racun yang siap melayang ke udara. Suatu tempat yang dipenuhi polusi asap rokok adalah tempat yang lebih berbahaya daripada polusi di jalanan raya yang macet.

3. Seseorang yang mencoba merokok biasanya akan ketagihan karena rokok bersifat candu yang sulit dilepaskan dalam kondisi apapun. Seorang perokok berat akan memilih merokok daripada makan jika uang yang dimilikinya terbatas.

4. Harga rokok yang mahal akan sangat memberatkan orang yang tergolong miskin, sehingga dana kesejahteraan dan kesehatan keluarganya sering dialihkan untuk membeli rokok. Rokok dengan merk terkenal biasanya dimiliki oleh perusahaan rokok asing yang berasal dari luar negeri, sehingga uang yang dibelanjakan perokok sebagaian akan lari ke luar negeri yang mengurangi devisa negara. Pabrik rokok yang mempekerjakan banyak buruh tidak akan mampu meningkatkan taraf hidup pegawainya, sehingga apabila pabrik rokok ditutup para buruh dapat dipekerjakan di tempat usaha lain yang lebih kreatif dan mendatangkan devisa.

5. Sebagian perokok biasanya akan mengajak orang lain yang belum merokok untuk merokok agar merasakan penderitaan yang sama dengannya, yaitu terjebak dalam ketagihan asap rokok yang jahat. Sebagian perokok juga ada yang secara sengaja merokok di tempat umum agar asap rokok yang dihembuskan dapat terhirup orang lain, sehingga orang lain akan terkena penyakit kanker.

6. Kegiatan yang merusak tubuh adalah perbuatan dosa, sehingga rokok dapat dikategorikan sebagai benda atau barang haram yang harus dihindari dan dijauhi sejauh mungkin. Ulama atau ahli agama yang merokok mungkin akan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda dalam hal ini.

Hanya Cinta Yang Bisa feat Titi DJ


Tak pernah pantas
untuk Bahagia...

Sejak kau pergi
Dalam tidak tahuanku..
Kini kau kembali
Membawa bingkisan

Yang aku ingat
Pernah kaucuri dariku dulu
Kau tawarkan lagi
untuk ku...

Jangan lagi kau pergi
Dari hidupku
Takkan mudah untukku
Bila sendiri
Biar kita memikir
Rasa bahagia
Ingin selalu bersama
didalam Ruang dan waktu

Bukan hanya kau
kembalikan mimpiku
hadirmu kini
membuatku percaya lagi
bahkan lebih indah
dari mimpi-mimpiku

hanya cinta yang bisa
menaklukkan dendam
hanya kasih sayang tulus
yang mampu menyentuh
hanya cinta yang bisa
mendamaikan benci
hanya kasih sayang tulus
yang mampu menembus
ruang dan waktu

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

all about astroboy

Astroboy - Astro Boy games wallpapers and downloads are all available from Astroboy.co.uk

Astro Boy is a sci-fi series set in a futuristic world where androids co-exist with humans. Its focus is on the adventures of the titular "Astro Boy" (or simply "Astro"), a powerful robot created by the head of the Ministry of Science Doctor Tenma. After Tenma's son, Tobio, died in a car accident, Dr. Tenma built Astro in Tobio's image and treated him as lovingly as if he were the real Tobio

Professor Ochanomizu noticed Astro Boy performing in Hamegg's circus. He managed to make Hamegg turn Astro over to him. He brought Astro along and treated him gently and warmly, becoming his legal guardian. He soon realized that Astro was gifted with superior powers and skills, as well as the ability to experience human emotions.

Astro then fought crime, evil and injustice. Most of his enemies were robot-hating humans, robots gone berserk, or alien invaders. Each story almost always included a big robot battle involving Astro.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

hA jambore tersayang

happy aniv ya jambore sayang, gue tau jambore masih ada masalah dan kita sibuk mkirin urusan kita masing2. tapi jambore tetep kompak & kayak dulu lagi gue ga mau jambore bubar gara2 hal yang sepele sampai kapan pun

xoxo, menes